Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 8, 2016

TUT rip xuyên veri

- Chuy?n ngôn ng? c? 4 clone thành English ( US ) . Không c?n fake IP
- Vào tu?ng nhà victim .

 *Clone 1 : Report => Report this account => This timeline is pretending to be me or someone I know => Me => Submitted to Facebook for Review => Done .
Report => This is a fake account => Gamer => Submitted to Facebook for Review => Done .
Report => This timeline is full of inappropriate content => Sexually Suggestive => Submitted to Facebook for Review => Done
Recover or close this account => Close this account => Ch?n m?t th? 1 ( M?t bu?n ?y ) ghi vào '' Ðây là tài kho?n gi? m?o . ''

 *Clone 2 : Report => This is a fake account => Gamer => Submitted to Facebook for Review => Done .
Report => This timeline is full of inappropriate content => Sexually Suggestive => Submitted to Facebook for Review => Done.
Recover or close this account => Close this account => Ch?n m?t th? 1 ( M?t bu?n ?y ) ghi vào '' Ðây là tài kho?n gi? m?o . ''

 *Clone 3 : Report => This profile represents a business or organization => Submitted to Facebook for Review => Done .
Report => This timeline is full of inappropriate content => Sexually Suggestive => Submitted to Facebook for Review => Done.
Recover or close this account => Close this account => Ch?n m?t th? 1 ( M?t bu?n ?y ) ghi vào '' Ðây là tài kho?n gi? m?o . ''

 *Clone 4 : Report => This timeline is using a fake name => Submitted to Facebook for Review => Done .
Report => This timeline is full of inappropriate content => Sexually Suggestive => Submitted to Facebook for Review => Done.
Recover or close this account => Close this account => Ch?n m?t th? 1 ( M?t bu?n ?y ) ghi vào '' Ðây là tài kho?n gi? m?o . ''
- Ra cho nó an thêm web 14t . 4 Clone d? nguyên ngôn ng? và ghi thông tin d?y d? vào :
- Link 14t :
*Dòng 1 : Link URL victim
*Dòng 2 : Tên victim ( coppy trên công c? tìm ki?m )
*Dòng 3 : 11 yeah ( tu?i )
*Dòng 4 :
- That child did wrong year of Birth To sign up for Facebook

- I request Facebook Team delete that account as terms Facebook set out, - Thank you Facebook team => G?i



Ti?p t?c cho 4 clone cho nó an thêm web sex :

- Link web sex :

*Dòng 1 : Nh?p d?a chi email vào ( 4 clone nh?p 1 email cho nhanh . Không sao h?t )

*Dòng 2 : Tên victim ( Coppy trên thanh công c? tìm ki?m )

*Dòng 3 : Link URL victim

*Dòng 4 : Vi?t Nam

* Yes

*Link to an online news article

*Dòng 5 :  Vào link : => Tìm 1 bài vi?t ?n vào r?i coppy link dó vào ô này .

*Dòng 6 : Nh?p th?n chú vào :

Here is an account that I knew had sexually abused facebook group requests please delete this account => G?i

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